With WA Building Company, you can get into a brand-new home, even if you have $0 in savings.
Better yet, there’s no Lenders Mortgage Insurance payable, which means buying a new home with WA Building Company is even more affordable!
We’re also offering a massive $75,000 Kickstarter bonus to first home buyers. The Kickstarter is made up of a $25,000 Federal Government HomeBuilder stimulus package for new home builds, and a $20,000 State Government Building Bonus, which is on top of the $10,000 First Home Owners Grant. Additionally, we’re also giving away $20,000 worth of home upgrades.
Our award-winning home designs are available in over 60 Perth suburbs. And with house and land packages from a staggeringly low cost of $349/week, you have no reason to keep renting and every reason to start buying.
So go from renting to owning!
WA Building Company – where magic happens!
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